Additional funding for young carers

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At Young Scot, we know that young carers make huge contributions to our communities – that’s why we’re delighted to announce, during Carers Week 2020, additional funding for the Young Scot Young Carers Package #YSCarers.

Thanks to Scottish Government support, we will be adding new digital entitlements to our Young Scot Young Carers package #YSCarers. These will support self-care, provide entertainment and help young carers to stay connected with others. Scottish Government funding will also help to expand the Time To Live small grants scheme by our friends at Shared Care Scotland.

New #YSCarers digital entitlements include subscriptions to mindfulness relaxation apps, mobile data top-ups, sanitary product vouchers and entertainment subscriptions. They also include vouchers for online retailers such as Etsy, Uber Eats, Bodyshop and Apple. Young carers can also enter to win vouchers and subscriptions including £100 ASOS voucher, £100 JDSport voucher and an annual Spotify subscription.

“There are an estimated 29,000 young carers in Scotland making an invaluable contribution to society. However, many of them don’t get the same opportunities as their peers, due to having more responsibility and less free time. Many of those young people may be under even greater strain than usual, and not had a chance to take a break from caring due to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19). That’s why we are providing this funding to support as many young carers as possible to access opportunities such as e-vouchers, subscription packages and short breaks that can help improve their quality of life during this time.” - Joe FitzPatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing

If you know a young carer aged 11-18 who you think might be eligible, encourage them to visit and sign up now.

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