Young Scot volunteers help to shape new Age Appropriate Design Code


The Information Commissioner has published the final version of the Age Appropriate Design Code.

The Age Appropriate Design Code is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. It is a legal code of practice that sets out protections that young people require for their data, offering a much higher level of privacy protection.

Data is the driving force behind the digital world, and the way young people’s data is used impacts not just on their digital experience, but also on their wider lives. As such, the code will protect and support young people in the digital age. The new code requires companies to consider young people's best interests, not just their own commercial interests, in the design of digital services.

Young Scot is the Scottish partner for 5Rights - which enables young people to access the digital world creatively, knowledgeably and fearlessly. Supported by the Scottish Government, the Young Scot 5Rights Leadership Group, involved 30 young volunteers from all backgrounds across Scotland.  

The group worked together and responded to the Information Commissioner’s consultation on how to create standards that provide proper safeguards for young people when they are online. 

At Young Scot, we are thrilled that the new Age Appropriate Design Code features the suggestions put forward by the young people. This will transform their experiences online and will require companies to consider young people's best interests in the design of digital services. 

The code contains 15 ‘provisions’ relating to young people's data protection. Highlights are: 

  • The best interests of young people must be a primary consideration when designing online services. 

  • If organisations don’t provide young people with the online environment they say they will, they are the regulations. 

  • Organisations must not make recommendations to young people that have a negative effect on their health or wellbeing. 

  • Profiling for behavioural advertising must be ‘off’ by default for young people.  

  • Online services must provide a clear indication whenever they are processing or broadcasting young people’s geo-location data. 

  • ’Nudge’ techniques that encourage young people to activate low-privacy settings are ruled out. 

Young people are experts of their own experience and are growing up in an increasingly digitised world. Therefore, their thoughts, feelings and experiences must be at the heart of systems put in place to protect them.  

Find out more about the new Age Appropriate Design Code. 

Young Scot and the Scottish Government are looking at next steps for 5Rights in Scotland following the latest set of recommendations from the 5Rights Leadership Group. To find out more about the group and their amazing work, click here.

Reid Aiton