Our impact - Bonnie Buchannan

Bonnie Buchannan, South Ayrshire

Bonnie Buchannan, South Ayrshire

As part of our impact report blog series, Bonnie Buchannan, Modern Apprentice, talks about her experience as a young carer and taking the first step to realising when you are in a caring role.
To find out more about Young Scot’s impact please read our Impact Report 2019/20.

Bonnie Buchannan, Modern Apprentice, works with South Ayrshire Carers Centre, and as a carer herself, believes that recognising that you are a carer is a key first step.

‘The first thing I do with young people is ask them about their lives and what they do, dayto-day in their family. Their role is crucial. And yet they see it is as simply what they’ve always done. Nothing special.’

‘Young carers have to develop so many skills and accept serious responsibilities,’ says Bonnie. ‘And yet at school I was often in trouble for being tired and inattentive. Being a carer is hard work! But young carers are learning so much all the time. If I was an employer, I’d hire a young carer every time. They know all about focus, perseverance and flexibility. I call this young carers’ super-power!’

No one pretends it’s an easy role, but Bonnie is clear that caring shouldn’t be seen in a negative light. ‘Sometimes you just want to sit in the kitchen and cry. But there are so many positives too. Most young people do not have the same kind of connection with their parents that carers have.’ Bonnie has listened carefully to what young carers need. ‘Time is the most precious thing. Respite is critical. Finding and promoting sources of respite help is right at the heart of what we do.’

Emotional support is vital too, enhanced by having someone like Bonnie who understands the pressures. But creating networks locally for peer support have been important.

‘There is a reassurance from knowing that other people make the same mistakes you do. But the support is practical as well. Recipes! Recipes and more recipes!

That’s what a young carer needs. New ideas for meals. Plus, the means to get hold of the ingredients. That’s where the Co-op discount has made such a difference. Some might see discounts as marginal, but for young carers food discounts and things like free cinema tickets are lifesavers.’

Bonnie is certain that the impact of the Young Scot #YSCarers project has been overwhelmingly positive. ‘Young carers are firmly on the agenda. With the support of Young Scot and people like Isla Cuthbertson MSYP, professionals, agencies, young people and young carers themselves now understand what the concept is about.’

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