Nominate a young person for the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards

graphic for young scot awards 2022 nominations

Young people across Scotland are continuously showing resilience and creativity in times of hardship. There are so many examples of young people helping their families, friends and community; examples of inspiring efforts to improve the lives of others. So – now’s the time to nominate the most inspirational young people in your lives and local areas for the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards 2022!

Now in its sixteenth year, the annual Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards recognises the outstanding achievements of 11-26-year-olds from across Scotland and the extraordinary work they do to improve their local communities and the lives of others.

The Awards highlight the triumphs of young people across a range of categories – from sport and the arts through to enterprise and volunteering – and shine a light on the invaluable contributions made by remarkable young people.

Nominations are now open on, with the results set to be announced on 27 April 2022 by BBC Radio 1 DJ, Gemma Cairney at a star-studded red-carpet awards ceremony at Edinburgh’s International Conference Centre.

The winners will join a prestigious roll call of previous recipients including RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Lawrence Chaney and social media star, Jamie Genevieve. Charitable duo Jack Mullen and Alfie King were crowned last year’s ‘Young Scots of the Year’ for their work in raising donations and keeping community spirit alive during the pandemic.

Kirsten Urquhart, Chief Executive (Interim) at Young Scot, said: “The Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards is back for 2022 and we’re excited to celebrate the incredible achievements of Scotland’s young people. Despite the challenges young people have endured over the past eighteen months, we continue to be absolutely blown away by the inspirational stories of young people from across Scotland. It’s an honour to be able to shine a spotlight on their achievements.

“If you know a young person who impresses you, or someone who’s gone above and beyond to help others, then we want to hear about them. Make your nomination today!”

Jack Mullen, Young Scot of the Year 2021 winner, said: “We were both so shocked when we found out that we’d won Young Scot of the Year last year. We didn’t expect it at all, but it felt so rewarding to be recognised for the work we did to support our community and neighbours during lockdown.”

The 2022 Awards will be made possible thanks to the generous support of its sponsors, including First Bus, Skills Development Scotland and Sport Scotland.

To nominate a young person or to find out more about the awards, please visit:

Ainmich neach òg airson Duaisean Young Scot an Sunday Mail

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Tha daoine òga air feadh Alba an-còmhnaidh a’ sealltainn dhuinn cho seasmhach agus cruthachail sa tha iad ann an amannan duilich. Tha mòran eisimpleirean ann de dhaoine òga a chuidicheas an teaghlaichean, an caraidean agus an coimhearsnachdan; eisimpleirean de oidhirpean iongantach gus beatha dhaoine eile a dhèanamh nas fheàrr. Mar sin - tha an t-àm ann na daoine òga as iongantach nad bheatha agus na sgìrean ionadail a mholadh airson Duaisean Young Scot an Sunday Mail 2022!

Airson sia bliadhna deug a-nis, tha Duaisean Young Scot an Sunday Mail air aithne a thoirt do choileanaidhean barraichte dhaoine òga aois 11-26 bho air feadh na h-Alba agus an obair iongantach a tha iad a’ dèanamh gus na coimhearsnachdan ionadail aca agus beatha dhaoine eile a dhèanamh nas fheàrr.

Tha na Duaisean a’ chomharrachadh choileanaidhean dhaoine òga thar raon de roinnean – bho spòrs agus na h-Ealain gu Iomairt agus Obair Saor-Thoileach – agus a’ toirt solas air gnìomhan luachmhor dhaoine òga iongantach.

Faodar molaidhean a chuir a-steach a-nis aig, agus thèid na buannaichean ainmeachadh air 27 an Giblean 2022 le DJ BBC Radio 1, Gemma Cairney, aig cuirm dhuaisean brat-ùrlair dhearg aig Ionad Co-labhairt Eadar-nàiseanta Dhùn Èideann.

Bidh na buannaichean gu bhith nam pàirt de bhuidheann cliùiteach de bhuannaichean a chaidh roimhe, Lawrence Chaney bho RuPaul’s Drag Race agus rionnag nam meadhanan sòisealta, Jamie Genevieve nam measg. Chaidh an dithis Jack Mullen agus Alfie King ainmeachadh mar ‘Albannaich ÒG na Bliadhna’ an-uiridh airson an obair a rinn iad a’ togail thabhartasan agus a’ cumail spiorad na coimhearsnachd beò tron ghalar sgaoilte.

Thuirt Kirsten Urquhart, Àrd-oifigear (Eadar-amail) aig Young Scot: “Tha Duaisean Scot Young an Sunday Mail air ais airson 2022 agus tha sinn air bhioran gus choileanaidhean iongantach òigridh na h-Alba a chomharrachadh. A dh’aindeoin na dùbhlain a tha daoine òga air faighinn seachad air anns na h-ochd mìosan deug a dh’fhalbh, tha iongnadh a’ tighinn oirnn fhathast air sgàth an urrad de sgeulachdan brosnachail mu dhaoine òga bho air feadh na h-Alba a tha rin cluinntinn. Tha e na urram dhuinn a bhith comasach aire a tharraing air na choilean iad.”

Thuirt Jack Mullen, buannaiche Albannach Òg na Bliadhna 2021: “Chuir e iongnadh air an dithis againn nuair a chuala sinn gun do bhuannaich sinn an duais Albannach Òg na Bliadhna an-uiridh. Cha robh sinn an dùil ris idir, ach bha e a’ faireachdainn cho math aithne fhaighinn airson an obair a rinn sinn gus taic a thoirt don choimhearsnachd agus do na nàbaidhean againn tron glasadh-shluaigh.”

Bidh e comasach dhuinn Duaisean 2022 a ruith air sgàth taic an luchd-taic.

Gus neach òg a mholadh no gus barrachd ionnsachadh mu na duaisean, tadhal air:

Lenka Murova