Young Scot Announce New Trustee Members

National youth information and citizenship charity Young Scot have announced three new members of their board of trustees. Bailey-Lee Robb, MSYP for Cowdenbeath, Tim Frew, Chief Executive of YouthLink Scotland, and Martin Coppack, Director of Fair by Design.

Bailey-Lee is an MSYP and Trustee of the Scottish Youth Parliament which has helped him develop an understanding and awareness of issues facing young people. Bailey-Lee also has several other roles including being a Young Ambassador for the NSPCC and being a member of the British Youth Council’s UK Youth Select Committee on Knife Crime. Bailey-Lee is a passionate advocate for having young people’s voices heard in any and all decisions affecting them, championing the ‘speaking truth to power.

Tim is Chief Executive of YouthLink Scotland. He has had a range of roles at YouthLink Scotland and led on a number of key sector initiatives and national programmes.  He is a proud member of the Standards Council for CLD and was one of the first committee members as a member of CeVe and served on the Approvals Committee of the Council from 2008 until recently. 
Tim is also an Associate Assessor for Education Scotland and Co-Chairs the iwill Advisory Group for Scotland and the NYWS Stakeholder Reference Group.

Martin Coppak is director of Fair by Design, the campaign to end the injustice of poor people paying more for essential products and services –simply because they are poor.
With a background in consumer advocacy, grant-making and regulation Martin has held a range of positions, all with the common objective of placing low income and vulnerable people at the heart of policy making.

Bailey-Lee Robb said, “I’m so excited to join the Young Scot Board of Trustees. Young Scot always champion the idea of ‘for young people by young people’ so I’m proud to take that idea forward in my new role on the board of trustees. I can’t wait to get started”

Tim Frew said, “It’s a real privilege to be a part of the Young Scot Board of Trustees. Young Scot are a great example of a youth organisation making a difference in the lives of young people all over Scotland and I’m excited to be a part of that.

Martin Coppack said, “I’m delighted to be a part of the Young Scot Board of Trustees. Young Scot is a charity I have been fortunate to have had a relationship with for many years. I am looking forward to working with them to improve the lives of young people all across Scotland.”

Elma Murray, Chair of the Young Scot Board said, “I’m delighted to welcome Bailey Lee, Martin and Tim to the Young Scot board. Their combined expertise, knowledge and insight will be a valuable addition to the Young Scot team and will help us to support young people all over Scotland”

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