GlobeScotters – supporting young people to embrace international experiences


British Council Scotland, the Scottish Government and Young Scot are teaming up to deliver 'GlobeScotters – a campaign encouraging young people to embrace the international experiences available to them.

This campaign is a direct response to COVID-19. It aims to support young people in Scotland to connect with international opportunities available to them, whilst supporting them to maintain an international outlook. It builds on the successful initial phase of GlobeScotters during the Year of Young People 2018. That phase encouraged young people to embrace international experiences at home and abroad and included opportunities and incentives through Young Scot Rewards. 

The new GlobeScotters survey launches today and is live until 1 December 2020. It's designed to find out more about young people’s opinions on international education, experiences and what coronavirus has meant to international opportunities. Results from the survey will help to influence the work of British Council Scotland, Scottish Government and Young Scot in making international opportunities more readily available to young people.

It's so important that as many young people as possible have their voices heard by this survey. Please do share with young people you know, work with or support. Please also share our Twitter message and LinkedIn post with your stakeholders and network. Young people can also earn Young Scot Rewards points for taking part.

The innovative campaign will also see forty young people from Scotland, Zambia, Pakistan, Greece, Slovenia, Malta, Bulgaria, Wales, Andorra, Luxemburg and Poland take part in a digital conversation event on Saturday 31 October. The aim of the event is to hear directly from young people around the world about the challenges they’re facing and to provide a platform for discussion and global-connections.

It’s more important than ever that we listen to the voices of young people, as the world tackles the coronavirus pandemic, alongside meeting the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals. GlobeScotters will not only provide an opportunity for these voices to be heard, but will also enable young people in Scotland and worldwide to see how they can learn from each other and develop future collaborations. Jenny Gilruth MSP, Minister for Europe and International Development

We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Young Scot again and the Scottish Government to deliver the GlobeScotters campaign. Events this year have had a significant impact on young people in every aspect of their lives from education and creativity, to work and skills. We want to hear from young people across Scotland about how they are faring during the pandemic and about their hopes for the future. Through the campaign, we are looking forward to sharing information about international opportunities and ways to maintain important global connections at this time. Leigh Gibson, Director, British Council Scotland

International opportunities, no matter whether they're face-to-face or digital, open up doors to young people, help to broaden their horizons, and support them to be citizens of the world. Louise Macdonald OBE, CEO, Young Scot

Get in touch to let us know what you think

We'd love to hear your thoughts about Globescotters. Tweet using the hash #GlobeScotters tagging @BCScotland, @ScotGov & @YoungScot. You can also let us know your thoughts by emailing Reid Aiton – External Relations Director at Young Scot.

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